You will receive the detected signals via Coinlegs Alerts Bot (https://t.me/CoinlegsBot) Firstly you need to join
{{ (100 * (alertsTableParams.page() - 1)) + $index + 1}}. {{alert.Exchg ? alert.Exchg : 'Binance'}} {{alert.Market}}

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You will receive the detected signals via Coinlegs Custom Signals Bot (https://t.me/CoinlegsCustomSignalsBot) Firstly you need to join
{{$index + 1}}. {{signal.Exchg ? signal.Exchg : 'Binance'}}

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Coinlegs sends the volume spikes via Coinlegs Volume Spikes Bot.
You should start Coinlegs Volume Spikes Bot (https://t.me/VolumeDetectorBot) to receive the volume spikes
{{$index + 1}}. {{alert.Exchg ? alert.Exchg : 'Binance'}} {{alert.VolumeChangeAmount | currency : '$' :true:'1.0|0'}} {{alert.VolumeChangePerc}}% {{alert.PriceChangePerc}}% {{alert.InSeconds}} sec

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Coinlegs Dolphin has learned that how assets can make 5% profit or loss in 24 hours. It also finds the probability of the predictions. You can filter the signals by specifying the probabilities.
You should start Coinlegs Dolphin Telegram Bot (https://t.me/CoinlegsDolphinv1Bot) to receive the signals
{{alert.Exchg ? alert.Exchg : 'Binance'}} {{alert.Market}} Dolphin Signal

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